Jive with five?
Our day to day life more often that not becomes monotonous, hectic, boring and it leads us to get uprooted from ourselves leaving us feeling anxious, depressed or confused.
Five baby steps to keep you grounded throughout the day. Grounding helps us connect back with ourselves and find our inner balance.
Wake up in the morning and smile. We often underestimate the power of a simple smile.
Take 5 deep breaths. Deep breaths help us relax our mind and focus on ourselves.
Join your hands together and be grateful for one thing in your life. It could be as small as you woke up alive. Pick one thing everyday and before you know it you will realize there is so much in life to be grateful for.
Get a 5 min walk everyday.
Make one positive change in your life everyday. This also doesn’t need to be a task, just something as simple as applying the above 4 steps in one day or one of them everyday.