Hello lovely souls!
I am very grateful that you’re here to know more about me. My Name is Bhavana. I’m a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend and above all just a soul like you all who is navigating and learning through the journey called life.
I became a mom recently and while it was the most surreal feeling, I did not completely fathom what was ahead of me. While, my baby was taking baby steps in growing up, I was in reality taking baby steps in becoming a mom. I had heard people talk about sleepless nights, and no time for showers, diaper blowouts etc etc, but actually experiencing it first hand it was something else. Every time you feel you’ve got this, your baby brings in another lesson for you to learn. Navigating through these new lessons and taking baby steps each day, I was so involved with my little child, as I thought she has no one but me, I somewhere felt I was losing my own identity. Was I a professional with all these degrees behind me or was I a mom, whose innate responsibility is to take care of her child. could I actually be both, or do I need to choose one? The more I thought about it, I felt I could do both. The pressure of managing both caught up with me and one day I hit my breaking point. The burden was too much to bear. I realized this feeling of overburden, anxiousness to be perfect all the time couldn’t be sustained any longer and I need to change. Change was the only way I could step out of what I build around myself. I knew this process wouldn’t be an easy. This was a result of years of conditioning, expectations that I had set from myself that I would have to peel of layer by layer to recognize my true self.
I set out on this journey to understand my true soul without any layers of my relationships, education, professional positions. I have a long way to go, nevertheless I wanted to share my wisdom and knowledge through the rooted soul.
Hello lovely souls!
I am very grateful that you’re here to know more about me. My Name is Bhavana. I’m a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend and above all just a soul like you all who is navigating and learning through the journey called life.
I became a mom at 35 and while it was the most surreal feeling, I did not completely fathom what was ahead of me. While, my baby was taking baby steps in growing up, I was in reality taking baby steps in becoming a mom. I had heard people talk about sleepless nights, and no time for showers, diaper blowouts etc etc, but actually experiencing it first hand it was something else. Every time you feel you’ve got this, your baby brings in another lesson for you to learn. Navigating through these new lessons and taking baby steps each day, I was so involved with my little child, as I thought she has no one but me, I somewhere felt I was losing my own identity. Was I a professional with all these degrees behind me or was I a mom, whose innate responsibility is to take care of her child. could I actually be both, or do I need to choose one? The more I thought about it, I felt I could do both. The pressure of managing both caught up with me and one day I hit my breaking point. The burden was too much to bear. I realized this feeling of overburden, anxiousness to be perfect all the time couldn’t be sustained any longer and I need to change. Change was the only way I could step out of what I build around myself. I knew this process wouldn’t be an easy. This was a result of years of conditioning, expectations that I had set from myself that I would have to peel of layer by layer to recognize my true self.
I set out on this journey to understand my true soul without any layers of my relationships, education, professional positions. I have a long way to go, nevertheless I wanted to share my wisdom and knowledge through the rooted soul.